Take part in a renewable future

Triple-Energy AS is a Norwegian energy company that has developed access to advanced, renewable bio-resources.
The company will now establish its first process plant in Norway - and invites new shareholders to contribute to the realization. The total issue amount is estimated at NOK 16.5 million

Initial investment: MNOK 4 - Next step: MNOK 39,2 - Expected annual turnover: MNOK 110

Triple-Energy AS is a Norwegian energy company that has developed access to advanced, renewable bio-resources. The company will now establish its first process plant in Norway - and invites new shareholders to contribute to the realization. The total issue amount is estimated at NOK 36.50million

The company was established in 2008 by three former colleagues in the management team of UNEP / Grid-Arendal, Thore-Andre Thorsen (40%), Steinar Sørensen (30%) and Cato Litangen (30%). The company was created in response to a development opportunity presented by a Grid colleague based in Uganda.

The desire was to refine the plant Jathropha Curcas into combustion oil and fuel. A company was therefore set up in Uganda (Future Energy), which later acquired an industrial site in Masindi, located in western Uganda, approx. 4 hours from the capital Kampala. In this area, large deposits of Jathropha have been mapped, and here we have organized supply through a program where independent farmers cultivate the plant / harvest from existing wild-growing plants.

Jatropha's opportunities for biofuel production were highlighted at the turn of the millennium. A few years later, the plant was predicted to become one of the world's most important raw materials. It originates from Latin America. The tree or shrub has long been known in Asia and Africa, and it is used as a hedge to fence in livestock or it grows wild. The plant is poisonous, and can grow in barren areas where it survives with little water. When jatropha grows in poor soil, which is not suitable for intensive agriculture, the plant was presented as a solution to the problems of biofuels. Jathropa also provides protection for other crops grown in the same area, and is therefore suitable as a cash crop.

The fruit is harvested 2 to 3 times a year. The nuts contain between 25-35 percent oil, and have on a small scale level been used for lighting, soap production and insect protection. The nuts (like olive stones) are pressed for oil. The pulp can be used as fertilizer. The rest of the biomass is suitable as charcoal, wood chips, pellets or bio-coal.

The original goal was to establish an industrial processing fascility in Masindi, which could serve a local market with fuel and heating oil.

  • The challenge was to find refinery solutions adapted to smaller production volumes.

  • Skepticism about investing in bio-fuels

  • The location was pointed out as a challenge for the project - financially and politically, and in relation to technology development and operation of process plants.

  • We concentrated our work on supplying raw materials and securing construction sites

The market has during time since start-up fully matured for 3rd generation bio-oil.

  • This is driven by intervention regimes.

  • The prices of bio-fuels have increased significantly.

  • In the capital market, projects that are part of the shift away from fossil energy sources are in demand.

  • Technology solutions adapted to smaller markets are now available.

These factors have lead to a strategic change of Triple Energy:

  • The process plant is being developed and established in Norway.

  • Refined products are sold in Norway

  • New end products are being developed

  • The construction and operation concept is marketed internationally

Process Fascility in Arendal, Norway

When establishing a process plant in Arendal, Triple-energy will use renewable energy resources to produce sustainable biofuels and biological combustion products for the Norwegian market. The plant has a capacity for an annual production of biodiesel corresponding to 6.7 million liters and heating chips corresponding to 100 Gwh. In comparison, the Norwegian market for liquid biofuels for road traffic was 600 million liters in 2019. The requirement for 2021 is 944 million liters. Annually, 1 million m3 of wood chips are sold in Norway, which corresponds to 2350 Gwh.

  • The establishment of the facility will have a cost (CAPEX) of NOK 15.5 million.

  • Annual operating expenses (OPEX) are planned at NOK 85 million and revenues of NOK 111 million.

  • The purchase of Jatropha accounts for 64% of the income from processed products.

  • Purchase of and sale prices constitute the main financial risk

For several years, Triple-Energy has established a solid overview of raw material supply. The company has its own access to Jatropha Curcas in Uganda and Tanzania. Within 6 years, this access can supply the plant's full capacity.

In our plan, we use Jatropha Curcas as a raw material, but the process technology can use all types of sustainable raw materials. Jatropha also has other applications in the chemical process industry, such as CO2 neutral oil and adhesive products.

The process plant consists of a mechanical press, refinery, tanks and warehouse. The refinery and mechanical press cover an area of ​​30m3. This is fully integrated technology that is adapted to a decentralized and flexible supply structure, in contrast to large industrial processing plants. The whole fascility can also be moved

The competence needs in the organization will consist of logistics, sales and marketing, process subjects, and operators. Planned staffing is 10 man-years. The organization is budgeted at NOK 14 million.

Financial need to cover enty-costs, investment in facility and start-up:

  • Purchase and establishment of the process plant: MNOK 15.5

  • Operation of organization: MNOK 13,7

  • Purchase of raw materials: MNOK 20,0

  • Establishment costs incurred so far: MNOK 4.0

  • TOTAL: MNOK 53.2

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Projects in progress, Financing Litangen Projects in progress, Financing Litangen

Panponic - delivers water-based recycling systems for modern horticulture

Panponic Biosystems represents established competence, experience and finalized system deliveries in what can safely be described as an emerging market. The founders now want to get the business into a commercial framework.

Panponic Biosystems AS delivers water-based recycling systems (hydroponic) for modern horticulture, for industry, education, neighborhoods and households. The company was established in the autumn of 2016 and is owned by Jan Krøger, Helge Liltvedt and Cato Litangen in equal parts.

The company represents both competence and finalized deliveries in what can safely be described as an emerging market. Next step is to establish the company within a commercial context. Development costs incurred are estimated at NOK 3.2 million. The next step is the establishment of an organization with sales and technical development within an operating budget of NOK 5 million per annum. Revenues are distributed over projects- and system sales.

When electronics engineer Jan Krøger moved into the neighboring office of childhood friend Cato Litangen in late 2016, he quickly became involved in Panponic. Professor of water sciences, Helge Liltved and Cato had initiated the start-up of Panponic Biosystems AS earlier that year with fellows from the fish-farming sector. The company was divided. Panponic was to concentrate on the technical development of hydroponics. Feedback Aquaculture continued their focus on land-based fish farming. This became two specialized environments geared towards collaboration. The meeting point was and is the Norwegian Institute for Bioeconomics (NIBIO) in Grimstad - which has integrated fish farming and horticulture in a pilot plant for aquaponics. There is also extensive work on optimizing growth conditions for different types of lettuces and University of Agder has been involved in both sensor and growth light experiments. Recently the two companies delivered a combined aquaponic facility to Tvedestrand Videregående (upper scondary school).

When local welfare associations produce fish and vegetables in a warehouse "downtown", things are turned upside down to a degree that analysts claim that this shift will be among the most significant in the time we are entering. There are therefore high expectations for the technology Panponic represents. Internationally, huge investments have been made in water-based growth systems during last ten years, and the market is now undoubtedly establishing itself. One explanation is that the LED technology, which is used in the growth light rigs in our deliveries, is now at a sustainable cost level.

The solutions:
Through several years of research, development processes and operational follow-up of hydroponic facilities, Panponic has now established a solid platform of experience and competence. Panponic combines in-house solutions and representation of other suppliers in project deliveries. The product range covers system, lighting, water, nutrient and cultivation solutions. Construction deliveries have been made to universities, vocational schools, kindergartens, restaurants and Norwegian homes. Panponic also see that the products are interesting for horticulture, groceries wholesalers, trade, office environments, canteens, housing associations, etc. The cultivation facilities can be delivered for both indoor and outdoor use.

In connection with the construction of a test and demonstration facility in the center of Arendal, the company also chose to test a business concept «Bygartneriet» in 2018-19. The area was approx. 200 sqm of which the horticulture itself - or hydroponics - amounted to 140 sqm. The demonstration plant had a capacity of 50 thousand plants a year. Customers were local restaurants and cafes as well as private households. The sale combined sales of home equipment for hydroponics with vegetable sales from own production.

The technology
In hydroponic systems, water with added nutrients is used for useful crops to grow and thrive. In addition to nutrients, the plants must have light, either sunlight or artificial light (lamp light or LED light). There are a number of different hydroponics systems, depending on the space available, the type of plant to be grown, the purpose of the cultivation, and whether the system is to be placed indoors or outdoors. Panponic has chosen to focus on systems based on reuse (recycling) of water and nutrients. The plants consist in principle of a tank with nutrient solution, a container for the plants, and a pump for circulating the nutrient through the root system of the plants at regular intervals. By circulating the water, the needed oxygen is also supplied.

Advantages of hydroponics systems:

  • The systems are based on recycling of nutrient solution that provides 100% utilization of water and nutrients.

  • Large production on small areas, fast growth and good plant quality. In indoor systems, it can take 6-7 weeks from sowing to finished lettuce.

  • No problems with weeds and pests (eg snails) in outdoor systems.

  • Minimal problems with plant diseases or insects.

  • Pesticides are not used.

  • Can do without irrigation for a long time, up to 1-2 weeks depending on tank volume.

  • Decorative systems that also provide a better indoor environment (air quality, humidity).

Spin-off, production and sales of Nutrients
Panponic Biosystems has developed its own nutrients solution adapted to Norwegian water quality. In order for green plants to grow and thrive, a number of macro- and micro nutrients are necessary. The macro nutrients are needed in relatively high concentrations, while the micro nutrients are only demanded in low concentrations.

Panponic makes and sell concentrated nutrient solutions that are mixed into the water of the plants. The concentrated nutritional must be made as two different solutions. Panponic has called them Nutri-A and Nutri-B. If they are mixed, phosphorus will precipitate metals and calcium so that these substances will not be available to the plants. For the correct nutrient concentration to the plants, add 4 ml Nutri-A and 4 ml Nutri-B per liter of tap water. This gives a guideline (EC) of 1.0-1.2 mS / cm, solute (TDS) of 550-600 mg / l (ppm) and pH 5.7-6.0 which will be well suited for lettuces and most herbaceous plants, as well as strawberries and tomatoes. Nutri-A contains nitrogen such as NO3- and NH4 +, calcium and chelated iron, zinc, boron, copper, molybdenum and manganese. Nutri-B contains phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and sulfur.

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Building comfortable Off-Grid

Ecohytter are cabins that do not need to be connected to public water and sewage and that produce their own energy. Solutions that involve minimal encroachment on nature, that are based on old building customs, good, modern architecture and that are energy efficient.

Another project of independent associates is coming up. The idea of building the off-grid holiday home is very much a lived experience by thousands of Norwegians, mostly settled before the modern idea of urbanization, comfort and luxury became paradigm of how to develop Norwegian winter resorts.

Nowadays we can again see some forerunners going off track. They are looking for technology that ensure adequate comfort or even home comfort for their space. Solar, gas, wind diesel and firewood are united as energy resources. Water finds its way to new drainage solutions. An enormous effort is made to reach a level of comfort that can satisfy the demands of the times. The technological offers are both plentiful and confusing, but it is well worth the effort, they think, when a more peaceful and remote plot is secured for less money and annual expenses are to live with.

There is an obvious need for structured solutions within this market. Providers that offers affordable fully functional off-grid cabin solutions, was my thought when I searched this landscape.

I found Hans Bakker, owner of a prefab building company, who now is in the middle of organizing this idea within the concept Ecohytter. He explains: Since the inception in 2015, we have developed, marketed and sold almost 100 turnkey holiday cabins / apartments in the eastern region of Norway. Until 2020, we have sold holiday homes for more than 200 MNOK. In the development of our TRY cabins and apartments, the focus has been on compact and energy-efficient floor plans.

Ever-increasing costs for cabins that are connected to public electricity, water and sewage mean that we now want to focus on alternative cabin solutions. New technology offers new opportunities. Our goal is to be innovative in the use of environmentally friendly solutions within energy, water and wastewater treatment. Our new cabins have been named Ecohytter. Our focus going forward will be on sustainable and environmentally friendly cabin solutions.

Ecohytter can be delivered with access to satisfactory sanitary solutions without the need for extensive blasting and excavation to obtain electricity, water and drainage network. .

Ecohytter are cabins that do not need to be connected to public water and sewage and that produce their own energy. Solutions that involve minimal encroachment on nature, that are based on old building customs, good, modern architecture and that are energy efficient. Ecohytter save the environment and give more people the opportunity to fulfill their dream. This without compromising the comfort required.

Mr. Bakker is now one of the independent associates for the development of the wonderful Kjøpmannssletta in Gausdal near Lillehammer. The land is owned by Marte Stine and Lars Skålenget (see www.skaalenget.com), who are offering the 25 plots. Acclaimed architects are involved, both in the conceptualization of prefabricated Ecohytter and facilitation of our plot at Kjøpmannssletta. In parallel Hans is involving industrial partners on technical infrastructure.

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High comfort and small footprints in the Norwegian Mountains

25 mountain plots for for sale by developers that aim for high comfort and a small footprint. The sunny and scenic area is main attraction, but also the desire for a modern and sustainable way of building - located outside the urbanized areas of mountain.

The beautiful area is remote and off-grid, but still with central position between the most attractive winter destinations in Norway. The developers are engaging enthusiasts and experts for the realization, so please make your enquiry!

Kjøpmannssletta is located 910 meters above sea level. From here you have sight to Rondane (n), Jotunheimen (v), Hafjell (s-e) Synnfjellet (s-v) and Slagsfjella (e). The access is from the church village Olstad in Vestre-Gausdal. The almost infinite hiking and skiing network is connected between Svatsum, Fagerhøy, Gålå, Kvitfjell and Skeikampen. From Kjøpmannsletta you go straight out into this beautiful landscape.

In the immediate area you will find active livestock, typical mountain farming buildings and beautiful pasture environments, fishing lakes and rich wildlife, peace and quiet. If you take the trip to the other side of the valley, Gausdal Vestfjell and Espedalen open up towards Valdres and Jotunheimen. You can do your shopping in Svatsum (25 min), Forset (25 min), Segalstad Bru (30 min) or in Lillehammer (45 min). Alpine destinations such as Skeikampen (30 min), Gålå (40 min), Hafjell (40 min) and Kvitfjell (45 min) are also within easy reach.

The cultural and natural environment at Kjøpmannssletta will be gently developed. The cabins are laid out in small yards with common functions and a good distance, and the plots are spacious. Utilization per plot is 138 BRA, divided into main cottage, annex and outbuilding, terrace and parking (18 sqm).

The plots are divided into four areas in a stretch of 1.3 kilometers on the west side of the farm road that goes past the Købmannssletta to Nysetra. The ski runs lead in the small valley west of the farm yards, with loops passing through each yard.

Each yard will have an exit from the mountain road, a separate parking area on the grass cover and a central water post. The southernmost yard (10 plots) is 850 meters above sea level, the next two (3 and 4 plots) at about 890 meters while the northernmost yard (8 plots), closest to Købmannssletta, is at 905 meters.

Energy and drainage are provided on site - here you are off-grid. Comfort must be solved in a different way than at home, but we are in 2021 - and will use the solutions of our time to establish high comfort and a small footprint.

See website www.skaalenget.com for more information

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Projects in progress, Financing Litangen Projects in progress, Financing Litangen

Wine: Importer for the Norwegian market

The business is demanding, as trading in alcohol is regulated to highest degree in Norway. The trade is dominated by high volume structures and end market is characterized as being part of the reference economy, driven by influencers. The sector is continously re-structuring.

Initial investment: MNOK 2,0 - Next step: MNOK 2.4 - Expected turnover: 12.0 MNOK. Margin 20%.

Arendal Vintners (AV) is agent for the Norwegian market and merchant of fine wine. The company also advise in wine valuations and transactions. It has been in business since March 2019.

Arendal Vintners AS (AV) is a merchant of fine wines and an agent representing international wine producers in the regulated Norwegian market. Sales to consumer happen through our monopolized system. AV is supporting in sales, marketing, storage and logistics, based on standardized agreements within the Norwegian trade. The monopoly purchases lots based on issuing tenders. As representative, AV takes a proactive role in these processes.  

The business is demanding, as trading in alcohol is regulated to highest degree in Norway. The trade is dominated by high volume structures and end market is characterized as being part of the reference economy, driven by influencers. The sector is continously re-structuring.

Arendal Vintners has managed to get a smaller position with developing a portfolio consisting of younger wine makers from established European wine-areas. Some of these producers now seems to achive a posistion in the international wine press.

The soon two years of operation has developed this four-friends-interested-in-wine-initiative into a more mature business structure. Major efforts are put on the system side of of the operation, and forward looking alliances are made in distribution and logistics. Web-based purchasing catalogues are now presented to the dominant alliances in the Horeca-market. EDI, integrated order, storage and accounting system is effective. The company has won three tenders at the state monopoly, Vinmonopolet, and is present in the catalogue vinmonopolet.no with several products. AV is also working on the relations to superusers and recognition in the local market.

As potfolio, authorizations, distribution and management systems now are well in place, owners want to move the company into wider market. Demand is scale-up of organsiastion into three man-years.

Financial need to cover enty-costs and establishment of operational organsiation:

  • Establisment of organisational operations, sales and management: MNOK 2,4

  • Establishment costs incurred so far: MNOK 2.0

  • TOTAL: MNOK 4.4

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